Manually curated collection of resources, tools and shiny things.
Some links I use/used/ll use again to create software or print it.
Table of Contents
Daily use
- ZSH: Oh My Zsh - Plugins - Theme
- iTerm2: OSx Terminal replacement
- Visual Studio Code: General purpose IDE
- Arc: Web browser
- Rectangle: Windows resize and placement
- Spark: Emails inbox
- Raycast: Productivity
- MDX: Documentation
- NVM: Node Version Manager
Web and Mobile apps
- Awesome Developer Experience: A curated list of developer experience resources.
- Astro: Static site generator
- Next.js: React framework
- React: JavaScript library
- React Native: Mobile development
- Expo: Mobile development
- Tailwind CSS: Utility-first CSS framework
- Class Variance Authority: CSS utility
- Shadcn/ui: UI React components
- Generate UI with shadcn/ui from simple text prompts and images.
- Magic UI: UI library for Design Engineers
- Framer Motion: Animation library
- Greensock: Animation library
- Icon set
- ThreeJS: 3D library
- React Three Fiber: A React renderer for three.js
- usehooks-ts: Collection of React Hooks
- D3.js: Data-Driven Documents
Creative coding
- Scratch: Visual programming language
- OpenFrameworks: C++ toolkit
- Processing: Java toolkit
- P5.js: Processing for the web
- Arduino: Hardware and software
- Sonic Pi: Music programming
- Pure Data: Music programming
- Max: Visual programming language
- Resolume: Video mapping
- MadMapper: Video mapping
- TouchOSC: MIDI controller
- Syphon: Video sharing for Mac
- Spout: Video sharing for Windows
- OPENRNDR: Kotlin toolkit
- Nannou: Rust toolkit
- Arduino: Open-source electronics platform
- Raspberry Pi: Single-board computer
- Kinect: Motion sensing input device
- Leap Motion: Hand tracking input device
Learning and Development
Web and Mobile
Creative coding
- The Coding Train by Daniel Shiffman
- 10 PRINT CHR$(205.5+RND(1)); : GOTO 10 [history]
- The Nature of Code: Simulating Natural Systems with Processing [processing]
- Programming Interactivity
- Generative Art: A Practical Guide Using Processing [processing]
- Generative Design [algorithms, processing, vvvv]
- Learning Processing, Second Edition: A Beginner’s Guide to Programming Images, Animation, and Interaction [processing]
- Data-driven Graphic Design: Creative Coding for Visual Communication
- Getting Started with Arduino: The Open Source Electronics Prototyping Platform (Make)
- Analog In, Digital Out: Brendan Dawes on Interaction Design
- openFrameworks Tutorial Series
- The Arduino Platform and C Programming
- The Nature of Code [p5.js]
- inconvergent · A Study of Generative Algorithms
- “Punto y línea sobre el plano”, Vasili Kandinsky.
- Creative Applications Network
- HOLO magazine
- The MagPi magazine
- Mis referentes
- Vera Molnar
- Le Parc
- Sol Lewitt
- Eusebio Sempere
- Mis artistas Argentinos preferidos
- Mis artistas preferidos
- Onformative
- Larvalabs: crypto art
- Active Theory
- Barbarian
- Normal
- Rare Volume
- The Mill
- United Visual Artists
- Tendril
- Bridge Studios
- Vitamin Arte
- Field
Web experiences
- Art Style Gallery: A collection of art styles and prompts for generating images with AI.
- OpenProcessing
- Lumen
- Make magazine
- NES.css